One program we are planning is a LARGE EQUIPMENT PETTING ZOO….this means the BIG trucks. We are looking for people who have the large trucks to bring them to the library for the program, let the kids explore the trucks, and answer the kids questions. If you have access or own a piece of large equipment we would LOVE to hear from you.
Due to drastically decreased revenue over the past years, we have no funding for summer reading this year and are asking for donations to make it happen. If you are willing to give of your time, money, talents or goods, we would love to hear from you.
Our WISH LIST for the program :
Large equipment as listed above
Summer Reading Volunteers that LOVE working with kids and are enthusiastic
Craft talent - to do samples of crafts, paint library doors, lead crafts
Donations of snacks/drinks for programs
Coupon/prize donations from local businesses
Craft supplies, list will be available in library
Monetary donations to run program
If you haven’t been by the library lately, we invite you to stop in. Remember, we are your FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, there is no cost to join and you might just be surprised at what we have for you. Come in and pick up the latest book releases, a Wii game to try out, the hottest box office movies. Yes, FREE!