Monday, March 8, 2010

The library has ..... CHANGED!!!

If you've been in the library lately, you've noticed lots of books stacked around, being moved, reorganized, and reworked. I'm sure we'll confuse you all for a bit with our changes, but honestly, the library will be a bit more user friendly. We've rearranged the childrens department so that all picture books are within arms reach for the little ones. The young adult section has been expanded to allow some much needed space and room for growth. I personally think that the non-fiction section of young adult is a lot more accessible. Here's hoping more find the wonderful books in non-fiction that have been in hiding.

I think we've touched every single book in the adult non-fiction section lately. We've laid the books that are too large to stand on their backs, spines exposed so that people can see them and possibly use them once they can see the titles. We've expanded this section to be the perimeter of the room, so books are spread out a bit more and exposed, hopefully easier to find as well.

The entire fiction collection for adults has been reworked, again exposing those hidden gems we have and adding lots of goodies that you've been looking for.

And as for MOVIES??? We have had some absolutely incredibly generous donations which have made me cry! The generosity of people has been overwhelming. One family donated over 100 DVDs, over half of which have never been opened. They also have brought in hundreds of brand new books, best sellers. Others are sharing their books on CD collection with us, increasing our collection greatly. As a result, these two sections have LOADS of new titles just waiting for you to find them. The easiest way to see what is new? In our catalog at the top is an a button that says WHATS HOT. Click this and you can choose what new items you'd like to look at and how recently they were added. Since many of the items that are new are circulating, if you see a title you want and it's out (indicated by red highlighting), we can reserve it for you and call when it is returned.

Constant changes, exciting updates. Check us out!

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